Female Bandana jumping spiders remind me of tortoiseshell cats. Both male and female Bandana spiders have pretty colorations, the male having more vibrant colorations and the female having more tame colors.
Scientific name: Habronattus coecatus
Size(M): 7.5 mm(Von)
Size(F): Unknown(could not find any information)
Environment: Human structures, Grassy fields
Habitat: USA, Mexico, Bermuda
Humidity: Unknown
Price(USA): Unknown
Life span(M, captivity): Unknown
Life span(F, captivity): Unknown
Water: Every day
Feed: Every day(fruit flies, moths, and other small bugs)
Level: Beginner-intermediate(because of feeding every day and small size)
Behavior(M): Active, curious, enjoys exploration.
Behavior(F): Relaxed, enjoys siting in your hand, doesn’t need exploration.
- Spray bottle for humidity and water
- A consistent source of bugs for food
- Escape proof container with air holes
- Sticks, leaves, fake plants, or other decorations to climb on/hide in
- Paper towel or mulch at the bottom of container
Good to have:
- Some Spiders seem to enjoy enjoy eating some fruits. Its like a treat to them! Fruits jumping spiders can eat include apples, watermelon, cucumbers, and other high in water fruits.
- Humidity thermometers/thermometers to know the humidity and temperature so your spider is healthy
- Direct sunlight
- 2 or more crickets at one feeding
- Put 2 spiders in one container. If you are attempting to breed 2 spiders, watch over the spiders and make sure they actually breed. You don’t want your male jumper to die for nothing!