These guys have huge eyes. Both male and female Green jumping spiders have a body that looks almost glass like. Their chelicera have brownish orange tips and their abdomens have a faint marking that looks similar to a female sylvan’s.

Scientific name: Lyssomanes viridis

Size(M): 5-6 mm

Size(F): 7-8 mm

Environment: Tropical forests, subtropical forests, citrus orchids

Habitat: USA, Mexico

Humidity: 60-80%

Price(USA): $30-$40

Life span(M, captivity): 1-3 years

Life span(F, captivity): 1-3 years

Water: Every day

Feed: Every day(fruit flies, moths, and other small bugs)

Level: Beginner-intermediate(because of feeding every day and small size)

Behavior(M): Active, curious, enjoys exploration.

Behavior(F): Relaxed, enjoys siting in your hand, doesn’t need exploration.


Good to have:
